A Series of Divinely Ordained Random Occurances

"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid Wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." (John Calvin)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Flipping through the pictures from my wedding a bit ago, an illustration of Scripture jumped out at me. Abby (my photographer and dear friend) snapped this shot of me peeking through the window at hubs just minutes before I was to walk down the aisle to become his wife.

Often I flip back through our wedding pictures and remember the joy of that day, the day that I married my true love, my handsome hubs. Often, while doing this, I think through the many descriptions in Scripture of Christ's love for His bride, the Church. To me, as I flipped through today, I thought of 1 Corinthians 13:12, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known."
Right now we are still in the time of peeking at our Groom through the dark glass, but soon the time will be fulfilled when the doors of heaven will swing open and we will be caught up to meet Him in the air, and thus we shall see him face to face as we are joined with Him. What a glorious wedding day that will be!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

much ado about nothing

So, there is so much going on, but so much I'm not going to write about. Someday I will disclose all, but at this point there is nothing that can be said. All in due time, my friends, all in due time. And, no, I'm not pregnant (why does everybody keep asking me that?).

Work has been busy, life has been good. This weekend hubs and I are heading toward the west to visit sister J, her husband T, and their passle of kiddos. We're excited about that, hubs has begun to appreciate the joy of being an uncle even more than before. As we were getting ready for bed last night, he grinned at me and said how much fun he felt like he'd acquired upon marrying me and gaining 3 nieces. For this reason, I'm even more excited about tomorrow afternoon and heading off in the direction of the west after work (the 7 hour drive after work doesn't really excite me, though).

In other news... I'm back. I'm me. Suddenly, here is the happy, healthy, flirty girl that I was before valium, before vertigo, before all the other things that have come in and stolen me away from myself. I don't really know what made the flip, and according to friends it wasn't that big of a flip (I think I've been more myself than I've felt like I have), but internally it was huge. It's like I woke up one morning and the world fell back into perspective. Hubs is loving it. He has "back," in some sense, the woman that he married. Our marriage has grown so much through the health trials and frustrations of the past year, and our relationship with the Lord has grown through the challenges, as well. But just because we were all growing doesn't mean it had to continue. Praise the Lord for healing, for a return to "normalcy" (whatever the fluid definition of that term really is). I'm back, I'm me, and I'm loving it.

By the way, in case you ever had a chance to wonder, hubs is the best possible husband ever. So patient and caring with me, supportive, serving, and loving toward me. He never complains about the late nights I have to work sometimes, I just come home from the office to find the candles lit, a place on the couch all set up with the remote control at one hand and a cold drink or glass of wine at the other hand, and a warm hug. Last night I worked until 10:30, and when I came home he even got my pajamas out and had those ready for me. He's awesome. I'm looking forward to the next chapter(s) that life has to offer us.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Keep your voices down, because it's 8:30 in the morning and not really a "lunch break post," but I just needed to chat for a second. And, knowing me and my guilty conscience, I'll wind up shaving 15 minutes off my lunch break or staying an extra 15 or something at the end of the day, just to make up for sneaking a little posting time right now.

So... hubs is currently in flight somewhere over Kentucky right now (educated guess, not a fully informed placement of his plane in the air) on a quick business trip that took him out of bed at 4am and out of our apartment at 5am. I got up to tell him how cute he looked in his suit and shower him with kisses and tell him to not take off his wedding ring, ever, because that's his "girl repellent" and all that weird and quirky wife stuff that I do all the time because I am, in fact, a very weird and quirky wife. Then I locked up the door and set the burgular alarm and crawled back into our bed with the mind that I was going to go back to sleep until 7:30 when I had to get up and get ready for work. But I discovered something. Just 8 1/2 months of marriage behind us, and I now cannot sleep without him next to me. Especially without him in the apartment. Suddenly I was tossing and turning and subconsciously trying to find his foot with my foot. So I had to finally give up. Here I was, 5:15am, don't have to be at work until 8:30, wandering around our apartment trying to decide what to do. Go in to work really early? Yeah, I really don't love my job that much. Go to the gym and work out? Sure. Like that's gonna happen. So I just piddled around, read some, took my time getting ready and actually "styled" my hair somewhat (I have to admit a bit of satisfaction that my hair? Looks just the same as it would if I had just showered and scrunched it as I normally do. Why is this satisfying? Because I never have to worry about "styling" my hair again. It will turn out the same whatever I do).

I was early to work, anyway, with all the reading and "styling" and stuff, a good 15 minutes early (hmmm... there's where the made up time falls, I don't have to shave my lunch break or leave late! Yay!)

Tonight. Commences. Utter. Silliness.

As promised in the previous post, I will give you more background information on tonight's slumber party. I have these two friends, Bethany and Mindy, who have been friends of mine since, well, basically around 3rd grade. For those of you who aren't good at math, I'm not either. But, I think that works itself out to we've been friends for over 2/3 of my life. And as kids/teenagers/college students, we used to get together, eat a ton of chocolate, watch movies, talk about boys, paint each others tonails, and have the most rockinest slumber parties in the entire United States of America (disclaimer: might be a slight exaggeration).

Then we all got married. And Bethany moved to Nebraska (seriously, who moves to Nebraska?) and I moved to Dallas, and Mindy stayed where she was but we just pretty much abandoned her. Then Bethany moved to Dallas (yay!). Then Bethany and I discovered that tonight both of our husbands would be out of town. Then Bethany remembered that Mindy was slated to come down tomorrow to spend the weekend here. Then the plan formed.

So, I'm heading over to Bethany's, Mindy's coming down a day early, all the husbands are happy at their respective destinations. Let. The. Party. Commence. I'll give you the after report, but I'll give you some snippets of preparation. Double chocolate brownies, my favorite season of Friends on DVD, a bunch of extra girl movies, hubs' pajama pants and large t-shirt because my best friends? Still don't completely take away the missing of hubs and wanting to wear his pajama pants so I can think about him and feel close to him while he's gone (also, they're the most comfortable article of clothing in our entire apartment).

While things have changed (we're putting three kids in bed at 8pm before we can really start the party, that's new!), we're so excited to take a little trip down memory lane and enjoy catching up and giggling and all the girl talk and fun times that can be had in one night.

Monday, March 03, 2008

quick break

Ok, so I forgot my lunch today. Which means that sitting at my desk eating and blogging is not an option for me today. So I'm going to take a little snippet of my lunch break now, early, because I've just been dying to write a new post lately and have not been able to find the time (internet at home has not been working very well).

So to catch you up, quickly, fun times with friends, lots of friends, and family lately. First, it was Ryan and Caty spending a Friday night with us because they needed to be at a conference on Saturday and they live 40 minutes away... I haven't laughed so much in a very, very long time. I mean - sides hurt, make it stop or I'm going to puke - laughing so hard.

Insert laundry, fun times with hubs and sitting on the couch talking and watching Mavs basketball (I still say it was a bad trade - we didn't need Kidd!) - a lot - and then we arrive at this last week and Mavs game on Monday night, working late at a committee meeting on Tuesday night, supper and Xbox tournament with our friend Kruck on Wednesday. Thursday night held Stars game tix, courtesy of coworker/friend David, box seats in a suite (a suite!) with all the free hot dogs we could eat and cushy seats and fun times and platinum parking and on and on and on and it was the best Stars game EVER!!!

Friday night we found ourselves in Greenville for dinner with hubs' folks and then sitting up until nearly 1am talking and waking up the next morning for "lunch" with his grandparents that turned out more like "early supper" as we had steaks, scalloped potatoes, cake, etc. Much fun. Then our friend Jennifer came in town and we ordered pizza and watched Mothman Prophecies and got all creeped out together before watching some SNL to take the edge off, talking some, then heading to bed around 1am, again. Sunday was church, Jennifer's pick of barbeque for lunch (which she heard no complaining from me!), our subsequent flopping on the couch and groaning from eating too much until I fell asleep watching the Mavs game while Jennifer and hubs talked (probably about me). Jennifer left early afternoon and hubs and I fell asleep again, watched the OT Mavs finish, and then went to help our friend Marz pick up a chair she had purchased and take it to her apartment.

Now here we are, back at Monday. Wonderful Monday. This week holds a lot of fun, as well, with dinner with friends tomorrow night and then (GLORIOUS!) Triple Dip reunion on Thursday night! (Slumber party! Chocolate! Joy and happiness!)

I will explain more about the Triple Dips - who we are and where we originated - in the future because, alas, I am out of time for my quick dip into lunch break time today.