fearfully and wonderfully made...
So I sit here grasping for creative juices to write a column for Hubs' supervisor's newsletter (I know, right?). The cloudy weather outside has left me feeling a little cold and achy, just because it looks cold. It's not really, but atmosphere has a lot to do with mood.
The last couple of weeks I have been really sore and achy, especially in the abdominal regions. This baby is beginning to grow and stretch his or her limbs, the result of which has caused me to feel more tired and just sore from all the muscles and stuff rearranging to make room for baby. I'll be at 16 weeks tomorrow, four months pregnant and starting to feel little kicks and taps as baby feels its way around in the dark. And I've been reading and looking at pictures at the development of this little munchkin, amazed at how intricate and awesome this whole process is. At just 5 inches long, our little one already has eyebrows and can suck its thumb. On all ten tiny little fingers... there are fingerprints taking shape. Honestly, I feel awed and privileged that God is using my body to create such an amazing little human being. In just 6 short months I'll be holding this child in my arms for the first time, cuddling its warm little body and memorizing each beautiful feature. I'm excited to see what the Lord has made in my body.
It really brings to mind Psalm 139 where David exclaims that he was "knit together" in his mother's womb, being "fearfully and wonderfully made..." We are, each of us. Intricately woven to look just like we should by the Creator of the universe. It's an awesome process.
The last couple of weeks I have been really sore and achy, especially in the abdominal regions. This baby is beginning to grow and stretch his or her limbs, the result of which has caused me to feel more tired and just sore from all the muscles and stuff rearranging to make room for baby. I'll be at 16 weeks tomorrow, four months pregnant and starting to feel little kicks and taps as baby feels its way around in the dark. And I've been reading and looking at pictures at the development of this little munchkin, amazed at how intricate and awesome this whole process is. At just 5 inches long, our little one already has eyebrows and can suck its thumb. On all ten tiny little fingers... there are fingerprints taking shape. Honestly, I feel awed and privileged that God is using my body to create such an amazing little human being. In just 6 short months I'll be holding this child in my arms for the first time, cuddling its warm little body and memorizing each beautiful feature. I'm excited to see what the Lord has made in my body.
It really brings to mind Psalm 139 where David exclaims that he was "knit together" in his mother's womb, being "fearfully and wonderfully made..." We are, each of us. Intricately woven to look just like we should by the Creator of the universe. It's an awesome process.
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