A Series of Divinely Ordained Random Occurances

"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid Wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." (John Calvin)

Friday, February 15, 2008

does this face make me look tired?

What a week. For starters, at the end of today I will have officially clocked close to 60 hours of work. Hello, overtime! Hello, new shoes! Or, most likely, Hello, savings account!

Along with the sense of accomplishment that a 60 hour work week brings also comes, however, a sense of loss for not having really seen much of hubs all week. Sure, he's been there when I come stumbling in at 7, 8, or 10:30 pm these last few nights, vision cloudy with exhaustion. He's greeted me with a warm hug, a kiss, and dinner hot on the stove. He's recorded American Idol on TiVo for us to watch over supper-on-the-couch and he's made sure I'm all comfy and have a chance to sit and chill before crawling into bed about 2 or 3 hours later.

And we had a great Valentine's Day yesterday, I actually left work a little before 6 (a record!) and came home to flowers, a little music on the player, lasagna and cheesecake, candles and wine... Hubs is so amazing! It was perfect.

So the point of all this rambling is merely to send a shout out to my beloved's who all read my blog. I'm sorry, gals and guys, for the absence of our relational depth lately. Many of you have called and written, and I love you for it. It sucks that I feel void of relational energy. When I get home at night, the only thing I want to do is curl up on the couch with hubs and shout at the weird people who can't sing on Idol. And I know it's not an excuse and really no consolation for me not calling, but it's all I got. So, people, I love you all dearly, I'm not mad at anybody (I've gotten a few of those calls/messages, too), and I hope and pray to be less busy and back to being social shortly. Perhaps even tomorrow. In the meantime, please be patient, I have a touch of "hermititous" (and if someone looks that up and finds out that it is a real disease with gross symptoms, I don't want to know).

Love you guys!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Fantastic weekend of happiness. Seriously, I could cry that it ended... it was just that good.

Friday night saw hubs and I anticipating the arrival of our esteemed guests, my dearest college friend-bridesmaid in my wedding-close friend would not begin to do the relationship justice, KJ and her man, EL. As we waited for them, hubs cooked supper and I did the job of a good wife and played video games on the Xbox while he cooked. Then they arrived! Joy! Happiness! We sat up until 1 or 1:30am (it's around then that times all start feeling the same) and then dragged ourselves to bed promising not to do that again.

Saturday hubs made pancakes (truly, I love my personal chef!), KJ, EL and I consumed said pancakes, and then KJ and I departed for the land of malls and shoe stores. Several hours of shoe shopping later (shoes! shoes! and more shoes!), and even more girl talk accomplished, we returned home to find EL and hubs battling it out in FIFA World Cup soccer on the Xbox. Insert here a couple hours of doing nothing but watching them play video games and chatting and eating pretzels. Then we walked a mile to prepare and then departed for Snuffers where we each consumed our weights in the world's best cheese fries, chicken strips, and Dr Pepper. After this we drove to my office to print off concert tickets and ran into boss and family, which was a fun hour of talking, laughing, and watching them redecorate boss' office. (It looks fantastic, BTW). 7:30pm the doors opened at House of Blues, downtown, for Over the Rhine, which is a fantastic band that you should check out if you haven't already. This incredible concert let out around 11:30, and we returned home at midnight to watch some TiVo'd SNL before growing groggy enough to go to bed, again, around 1/1:30am.

Sunday morning we skipped Sunday school to see KJ and EL off back to the east where they live and then left for church. After church, we came home and played more Xbox, including (but not limited to) doubles Tetris (yes, I did win). Ate lunch (if I can really count a handful of snap peas as my lunch... still a little food hungover from all the cheese fries), and left for the park. The same park where Scott proposed. We like going there, it brings up sweet memories. Anyway, it was a great weather day, so we put a blanket out in the sunshine down by the water and laid in the grass and talked, played a little frisbee, drank our Sonic diet cherry limeaids (with a shot of strawberry), and just had a magnificent time enjoying that we both married our best friend. Then we took a windows down/radio up drive around the area and ended up back at the apartment when I started getting carsick (can't help it!). Last night I made supper and we flipped channels and did nothing until we went to bed early at 11:30 in preparation for the work week.

It was a great weekend, wouldn't change a minute of it if I could.

Monday, February 04, 2008


I love that there are several cans of cat food on the large table in our lunchroom. Seriously, people. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

i like bacon

Craziness. We got home from church yesterday and feasted on some glorious sushi we had picked up on the way home. Then Scott took a nap (file this away for later) and I bummed around and accidentally fell asleep, even though I wasn't intending too (again, to be filed).

I made chicky-bacon poppers after we woke up, as we were planning on crashing some friends' Super Bowl party later on. However, as the Super Bowl started we began to contemplate wheter or not we really wanted to leave the house (who wants to interrupt a lazy Sunday?). We decided to re-evaluate at half time (man, we were lazy yesterday). I cleaned the kitchen and listened to hubs watch the first quarter of the game, running in for the commercial breaks (yes, this is totally logical behavior. Everybody does it). I finished the kitchen and joined hubs for the second quarter, toward the end of which we decided that we didn't have the energy to pack up and go to somebody's Super Bowl party when we have a perfectly good HDTV set of our own, so we reached the pinacle of our laziness and stayed home for the rest of the game (after all, who wants to have good commercial breaks interrupted by people wanting to have meaningful conversations?).

Problem: I had already made an entire tray of chicky-bacon poppers. The whole house was filled with their wonderful smell.
Solution: by the end of the third quarter hubs and I had eaten our respective weights in chicky-bacon poppers, which was approximately the entire tray. This was even more possible for us to do because we decided, in the presence of massive amounts of bacon grease, that supper was not necessary because we had chicky-bacon poppers (did I mention we were really lazy yesterday?).

After the game ended (yay Giants! Yay best Super Bowl in years and years! Boo Cowboys for not making it and giving hubs and I no real vested interest in the outcome of the game!), hubs and I sat on the couch, watched the postgame and ate some cherries (because possibly having some fruit in our diet would make us feel better for the large quantities of chicky-bacon poppers consumed during the game).

Problem: Cherries on top of chicky-bacon poppers make the tummy upset.
Solution: Tums.

At the conclusion of all the postgame stuff we contemplated going to bed, since it was after 11pm and we both had to work today. It was then that the realization hit me. We had a big meeting/event at 6:30am today, and I was supposed to buy creamers and have them in the fridge by last night. At 11:15pm, hubs and I left for Tom Thumb. We bought the creamers, took them to the church (do you have any idea how spooky that building can be at midnight on Sunday night?), dropped them off, and came back home. At midnight. And by now, our little creamer run had woke us both up that we couldn't sleep (also due to all the napping). So one glass of wine and two First 48 episodes later, we went to bed at 1:30am.

So now I'm sleepy. And a tinge grumpy. And looking forward to going to bed tonight. But overall... it was a great day/night with hubs.