insomnia induced randomness
I've been awake since 4:30 this morning. It's now 6:45. For the last 2 hours I've been sitting on the couch watching Roseanne reruns. I don't even like Roseanne. What's even worse, Murry has been asleep in my lap the whole time. Every time I shift around he grunts and groans and turns his sleepy little eyes up at me like I'm ruining his good sleep. What's more infuriating than not being able to sleep? Watching the puppy sleep soundly while you can't sleep.
I logged on to Facebook and hung out for a while, waiting to see if there was anybody to chat with. I have 129 friends on Facebook, and none of them are online right now. Because normal people are asleep.
I have a lunch appointment with the wife of another RUF campus minister at noon today... I hope I'm not too sleepy by that time. I will have been up for almost 8 hours by then. But the coffee is helping with that already.
On Sunday I'm flying to Texas for Katie and Eric's wedding - Katie and I have been really close friends since college. She's going to be a beautiful bride. And I'm going to cry. I have to make sure to pack the waterproof mascara.
My parents are picking me up from the airport on Sunday, I'm looking forward to seeing them. Dad was talking about Mexican food on the phone a couple of nights ago... I've been going through fajita withdrawal.
I'm tired of political commercials. If the candidates don't start actually talking about something other than what the other one has done wrong, I'm gonna to go nuts. Both of these guys are the best at talking hours and never saying a complete thought. I hate it.
Hubs' alarm just went off! He'll be up soon! Company! Even though he has to leave for an all day presbytery retreat in about an hour, I'll get to talk to someone for a few minutes, anyway.
This is quite possibly the most random post I've ever written. I'm not a morning person. So when mornings force themselves on me like this, the outcome is not pretty.
Happy Morning! (Caty, this one's for you)
At 10/10/08, 10:58 AM ,
Cyber-Shower? said...
Ok, that was very random, but very funny!
At 10/17/08, 4:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
uuuughhhh, and this morning was especially rough. Thanks for the shout-out! I wish I liked Coffey. I mean coffee. I do like Coffey. He's great, in fact. Wow, I can't spell it any other way now!
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