A Series of Divinely Ordained Random Occurances

"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid Wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." (John Calvin)

Monday, February 11, 2008


Fantastic weekend of happiness. Seriously, I could cry that it ended... it was just that good.

Friday night saw hubs and I anticipating the arrival of our esteemed guests, my dearest college friend-bridesmaid in my wedding-close friend would not begin to do the relationship justice, KJ and her man, EL. As we waited for them, hubs cooked supper and I did the job of a good wife and played video games on the Xbox while he cooked. Then they arrived! Joy! Happiness! We sat up until 1 or 1:30am (it's around then that times all start feeling the same) and then dragged ourselves to bed promising not to do that again.

Saturday hubs made pancakes (truly, I love my personal chef!), KJ, EL and I consumed said pancakes, and then KJ and I departed for the land of malls and shoe stores. Several hours of shoe shopping later (shoes! shoes! and more shoes!), and even more girl talk accomplished, we returned home to find EL and hubs battling it out in FIFA World Cup soccer on the Xbox. Insert here a couple hours of doing nothing but watching them play video games and chatting and eating pretzels. Then we walked a mile to prepare and then departed for Snuffers where we each consumed our weights in the world's best cheese fries, chicken strips, and Dr Pepper. After this we drove to my office to print off concert tickets and ran into boss and family, which was a fun hour of talking, laughing, and watching them redecorate boss' office. (It looks fantastic, BTW). 7:30pm the doors opened at House of Blues, downtown, for Over the Rhine, which is a fantastic band that you should check out if you haven't already. This incredible concert let out around 11:30, and we returned home at midnight to watch some TiVo'd SNL before growing groggy enough to go to bed, again, around 1/1:30am.

Sunday morning we skipped Sunday school to see KJ and EL off back to the east where they live and then left for church. After church, we came home and played more Xbox, including (but not limited to) doubles Tetris (yes, I did win). Ate lunch (if I can really count a handful of snap peas as my lunch... still a little food hungover from all the cheese fries), and left for the park. The same park where Scott proposed. We like going there, it brings up sweet memories. Anyway, it was a great weather day, so we put a blanket out in the sunshine down by the water and laid in the grass and talked, played a little frisbee, drank our Sonic diet cherry limeaids (with a shot of strawberry), and just had a magnificent time enjoying that we both married our best friend. Then we took a windows down/radio up drive around the area and ended up back at the apartment when I started getting carsick (can't help it!). Last night I made supper and we flipped channels and did nothing until we went to bed early at 11:30 in preparation for the work week.

It was a great weekend, wouldn't change a minute of it if I could.


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