A Series of Divinely Ordained Random Occurances

"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid Wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." (John Calvin)

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hello, old friends! I have missed you all so terribly.

I know I have been so neglectful lately, but for good reason. Since the day I walked out of the office, I have been running nonstop. We flew out the following Sunday for Pennsylvania, and were gone for 2 weeks. The first few days were spent and RUF camp with the students we will be working with at the University, a fun and fulfilling experience as we got to spend time with our future friends. After that we drove back to the town where we will be living and looked at houses for the next 5 days. We selected our favorite, made an offer, received a counter offer, and have just turned in our counter offer and we are excitedly waiting to see what the Lord has in store for us to live in!

The end of the 2nd week we drove into Philadelphia for Scott's seminary graduation, a fun and moving experience. On our way back to the hotel that night, his diploma across my knees, we reminisced and shed a few tears together as we talked of what God has done. Forming us together as husband and wife, bringing Scott through Lyme disease and a time when we both thought he might not even be able to finish seminary, openning the doors for us to move to PA for this wonderful ministry opportunity... all of this little pieces, having been intricately woven together, are just beginning. And we feel extraordinarily blessed.

This is a short post for now, we're in Oklahoma today and I need to hit the shower so I can make a presence at lunch, but I wanted to update each of my faithful readers as to the happenings in our lives up to this point. Much more to follow.

Friday, May 09, 2008

the end of an era

It's finally here. This day I've been anticipating, dreading, looking toward for months now. This chapter is closing, and the next is opening. I drove into the parking garage this morning and considered it being my last morning to make that drive... and it felt strangely normal. I'm somewhere between where "business as usual" meets "drastically different," and I'm not quite sure yet what to do with myself.

But in about an hour I will be departing these halls, and I won't be coming back in on Monday to greet everyone. That feels weird.

I'm excited, though. We're openning this next chapter of our lives, and it feels really refreshing to know that this next move will be ours, a decision that hubs and I made together and have done on our own. It feels like such a married thing to do. And the best part of the whole thing? I'm taking my best friend with me (or, more specifically, he's taking me)! I look forward to the road ahead, even though it's a bit scary.